Ancient Feminine Wisdom


is now ready to rise.”



“This book is a portal of Goddess consciousness.

It is a living book that will transcend you into knowing yourself deeply and fully.”

The Many Faces of the Shekinah is my self-study offering from The Goddess Codes container.

Brimming with activating transmissions and Goddess wisdom, this is the perfect introduction to Divine Feminine consciousness & mysteries.

What’s included in the course?

Upon signing up for the course you will receive;

A beautiful channelled and illustrated Goddess Manuscript via PDF -

The illustrations and writings in this manuscript hold light codes that are interwoven with the mysteries of Gaia and Goddess consciousness.  



which should be listened to in the order they are listed below, as each is synchronised to your DNA and will work in unison with your higher self and spiritual guides, to allow you to evolve deeper onto your soul’s mission and advancement. This beautiful course is a journey of expansion and transformation.

The LightCode Transmissions you will receive are;

* all of these transmissions are available to buy as stand alone transmissions outside of this course in my store

Bonus Transmissions

These bonus transmissions, Inner Rose & Radiant Glow are exclusive to this course.

  • This is a beautiful womb and heart morning transmission that is to be done after reciting the holy heart prayer that is written in The Many Faces Of The Shekinah pdf.

    This is a simple yet very effective womb and heart alignment. This transmission is to turn on your inner glow and create powerful energetic boundaries around your heart, wound and energy field. You will connect to light codes that will steam into your heart and womb that will help you step into the fullness of your feminine presence. This transmission is a prayer offering not only to yourself but to humanity.

  • This transmission was channeled to guide you onto the path of your inner labyrinth. Your inner labyrinth resides in your heart. As you step into your labyrinth what will be reawakened in your is keys to the Rose Lineage. These keys are keys of consciousness that you have guarded for many lifetimes. What will activate within you through this transmission is past lives where you once lived as a Priestess, Medicine Woman, Witch or Oracle. Where you held within you the teachings of these holy flames of consciousness.

    The flames of consciousness that will move through you are Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Sapphire. You will become conduits of light for these Holy Flames. There will be an activation of your 12 strands of DNA. That will allow you to access the full potential of your soul monad. As a beautiful cosmic rose is placed within your heart that holds the full spectrum of light from each flame.

“It is impossible to write in a brief description the transformation that each transmission will have on an individual, as each person will receive them differently. They are to be experienced and enjoyed. Your soul knows how to receive each of the transmissions and what key codes will be unlocked within you. I do recommend reading testimonials from my work. They will give you a deep insight to what I do through my work in the Goddess Codes and how it can help you on your own path of remembrance.”


The first ever transmission I heard of Saffron I was blown away.. she made me feel like I had come home and I saw such incredible insights that I’d never been able to access before… I came downstairs afterwards with a beaming smile and felt like I was still up in the universe doing my work.. that I was finally here to do.. my kids laughed and said wow what have you just done.. as they could see the huge difference in me as if my energy had come alive again..! Saffron introduced me to that.. complete transformation in my life and energy in so many ways.. always so humble and balanced in her communications..I love all of this about Saffron, especially the way she communicates and how openly she shares her insights that are spot on at the time and energetics that I couldn’t ever find the words for. .. I really resonate with Saffron’s journey.. She is strong, powerful and wise woman embodying the new Devine Feminine bringing forth amazing work.. with a beautiful energy..I had no doubt about signing up again.. in 2022.. thank you so much for your support and kind words and always being there you’ve introduced me to so many other amazing woman too on their journeys.. so grateful to be part of it all.. Thank you..

- Melissa Connor

 I began my journey with Saffron through The Goddess Codes in 2018, and what a transformational journey it has been for me.  Saffron is an incredible human being; a way shower, channel – speaker of  light language, cosmic guide, spiritual teacher, keeper and activator of ancient codes and facilitator of an amazing group of women who have chosen to travel this journey with her.  

Saffron and her work with The Goddess Codes has challenged me in many ways to go deep within and face the different aspects of who I am and what I am here to do.  It is very hard to describe The Goddess Codes experience, but I would say that by bringing through the codes Saffron has empowered me and the other women in our group to step up and do the work we were born to do.  She has fostered a true “sisterhood” with the ladies in her group. We are there for each other with Saffron holding space for us as always.  Saffron is very open and honest about her life’s journey and the challenges she has faced in the past and continues to face.  She does not sugar coat anything.  It is testament to her honesty, openness, and knowledge that our group continues on together year after year.  I look forward to continuing my work with Saffron in 2022.

- Marianne


* If you are just starting off exploring the Divine Feminine Mysteries but feel called to know more.

*You’ve already tread the Goddess path for many years but want to go deeper into the mysteries

*You want to connect to your soul language as the light language I speak will activate that in you.

*You seek the power and purpose that comes with working as a collective sisterhood to serve humanity.

*You wish to open up to your own legacy, that is unearthed through each transmission, as you merge deeper into the consciousness of the Goddess and the many faces it embodies.

*You wish to understand the many faces you also own, so you can come into full acceptance for each of them.

*You have a desire to belong and be acknowledged for your own uniqueness.

*You are just awakening to who you truly are and are wanting authentic and loving sisters to encourage your growth.

*You feel that divine feminine work is paramount to anchoring a new earth consciousness

*You want to honour your lineages and you know you have to actively work on healing them too.

*You know you are a weaver of light and understand the importance of activating these sacred Goddess codes within you.

*You enjoy working through material at your own pace, and have the freedom to move through the codes as your intuition guides you.


Start your journey with

The Goddess Codes ; Many Faces of The Shekinah

for the one time payment of £222

and receive the course and your powerful Lightcode transmissions

TODAY straight to your email.