Womb Blessing & Soul Attunement

I am currently not taking any new 1:1 clients for the 2023 spring/summer season.
I will re-open for 1:1 work in a few months.
Divine Blessings,

Saffron xo

The Womb Blessing and Soul Attunement is a transformative experience that can be seen as a gateway to open up your personal and spiritual development that brings sacredness to your femininity. It provides personal transformation by awakening unlocking dormant aspects of your feminine archetypes that will help you to embody your authentic self, open to self-love and open fully to your soul potential and feminine presence.

The Soul Attunement is a powerful activation that will work on every level of your being. The womb blessing is intended to bring about healing and connection to your own womb and feminine presence. It is designed to anchor the Divine Feminine blessing into your Land and ancestral lineages. This will also assist the Goddess energies and Feminine Principle to awaken in all people and to bring harmony, balance and creative energy into the world to inspire and birth a New World.



“I am one of those people who take their sweet time to look for the right person who does the high value energetic work.

I’m never swayed by the promises of financial explosion, perfect man mysteriously manifesting himself at my doorstep, and a giant breakthrough aka ‘please pay me £20.000 for the sessions because I and only I have the access to the abundance codes ( and somehow on the way I forgot that I’m no longer serving people, but a wealthy, privileged minority ).

Every healer I’ve ever decided to work with, brought me tremendous changes.

At the same time, each one of those people were accessible to all of us, not just the privileged elite.

Saffron Satara stands at an absolute forefront of them, with her uniquely pure energy, non judgemental heart and literally otherworldly transmission.

Her magical, deeply feminine power is aiding me in my journey, complementing it, elevating it, whether it be love or finance.

Working with this woman is a pure bliss. And you don’t need to dive into your life savings in order to experience the shift in your life. Sister, thank you for connecting again in this lifetime.”

-Margo Bobrowicz

“By aligning with the manifesting potential of the womb, it will open up the path for you to start living from you heart. Where you can fully express your gifts and wholeness to this world. Where you can begin to live your life everyday as a self love ritual and a creator. Where you can accept and embody your full power. The womb is the vessel for all of creation. As a woman we need to tend to this sacred power center.”


Receiving a Womb Blessing and Soul Attunement is an energetic method that opens women more deeply to the Divine Feminine Principle and their creator potential. It can help to:

* Awaken repressed or dormant aspects of the feminine archetypes.

* Return the menstrual cycle to a place of balance.

* Enhance your capacity to love and receive

* Heal past trauma, guilt and shame and clear ancestral patterns.

* Stimulate a deep feeling of connection with your womb space and Mother Earth.

 * Energise the womb energy centre – the source of your creativity awakening you to your full potential as a woman and a leader. 

* It is a powerful and personal path of awakening to your authentic femininity to embrace and express the full power, beauty, love, creativity and sexuality of the woman that lies within you.

* Brings healing to every aspect of your being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

*Opens up a clear channel to your Higher Self 

* Akashic record attunement to dissolve old soul contracts and that are not serving the highest good of the Client.

*Opens new timelines that assist the client in leading a more fuller and abundant life.

I am a certified Moon Mother, so I do incorporate that healing into the session along with my ability to be a pure channel and Oracle. So that the client receives at highest level in accordance to her Higher Self. I will work with the healing energies from the Star counsels, Archangels, Spirit guides, Goddesses , Elementals. As an intuitive soul guide, my intention is to help bring about personal power and transformation for the client. So that the person can understand fully who she is and step into a soul led life with clarity and purpose.

Cost 1 hr Session ~ £144